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Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:52 pm
by amd
You sure are looking everywhere, thank you Bev for being so thorough
....Mom is a master at camouflaging herself! Especially with all the new greenery popping up out there.
6:51 pm Dad remains on the eggs and is quiet....hunkered down with these crazy least its not pouring rain

I have to pack up and go home here in the next few minutes....was hoping that she would return while I was still watching, but I am sure she will be coming in at any moment....still daylight at H Mills for a while

I see you are back at the nest.....good night to you Bev!

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:20 pm
by IrishEyes
amd wrote:You sure are looking everywhere, thank you Bev for being so thorough
....Mom is a master at camouflaging herself! Especially with all the new greenery popping up out there.
6:51 pm Dad remains on the eggs and is quiet....hunkered down with these crazy least its not pouring rain

I have to pack up and go home here in the next few minutes....was hoping that she would return while I was still watching, but I am sure she will be coming in at any moment....still daylight at H Mills for a while

I see you are back at the nest.....good night to you Bev!
GOOd NIght MIchelle .I was posting on the other page..Mom is home....... and i hope you are too.......TY for being here ......... HAGN (((((Hugs )))))))))))

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:05 am
by IrishEyes
Tuesday..April 14, 2014

Good Morning Mom and Dad Honeycomb and Friends.


The HWF forum is streaming with thanks to Ken and all. :thumbup:
I moved all my observations from yesterday to the HWF forum and added my scaps .... :love:

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:41 am
by JudyB
Thanks so much, Bev!

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:43 am
by IrishEyes
Hi Judy.......... You are welcome

It is 11:40am HWF is very slow. I will post here as nec......
I think Ken is working on transferring data from the main server. :dontknow:
Mom called..she is incubating the eggs.HWF is down...
She called again.
Mom called and is looking all around.
Mom was peering over the nest.she called off the eggs.. heard her leave as Dad was entering the nest .. no egg roll......he settled on the eggs... Mom didn't go to her perch out front....... and i zoomed by the river .. Mom was not in sight...unless i missed her.

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:31 pm
by IrishEyes
FROM Judy jkr'

Ken has shut down the main HWF garnet server for the next hour while he does a bit of work on it. Please pass the word to whoever you can. I have posted the information on the HWF Facebook page.

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:38 pm
by IrishEyes
Dad has his back to us attending to the eggs..he shimmied on them and is incubating the eggs.. windy...

I am out for about an hour..... Dad cont. to incubate the eggs..

I am staying logged in here..... :)

HWF Forum is streaming.I moved my posts over there and added the scaps

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:41 pm
by IrishEyes
Sunday.....April 19, 2015

The HWF went down about 2pm........ Mom is on the nest incubating the eggs and all is good.

Mom is still on the nest........she is up now.......adjusts a stick...preens her brood patch...scratched her beak..nice egg roll...shimmies on the eggs.incubating them.. light breeze

Mom preens between her wing feathers.

'Mom repositioned......i missed an egg roll if there was one..

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:01 pm
by IrishEyes
Mom is content incubating the eggs

Mom is snapping at the gnats...... and shakes her head..
It is 22º C ....thats about 74º F more or less..

Mom scratches her beak........ rolls the egg on the left twice and it rolled back down in the nest bowl.......she shimmies and incubates the eggs

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:08 pm
by IrishEyes
HWF Forum is back up......and i moved my posts to that forum and added the scaps........ Ty Ken