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Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2017

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:34 am
by IrishEyes

Good Morning Harrison Mills and everyone.
2:23a.Windy ..light snow ...
5:38am..On the NPTZ Cam...BBL
7:32am..Loud trills...Moms perch is empty..very windy
7:36am..Two eagles..trilling no one on Mom +Dads perch. Darlene is looking also !
7:43am.More trills ! I checked all the perches close to the nest Darlene and I zoomed around out front !
7:57am.Quiet except for the wind since my last post.. snow is all gone....something white in the nest ?clump of snow :dontknow:\
8:38am.Heard an eagle .I think one flew over the flats in front of Mom's perch..
8:42a 8:56a.There is activity on the flats in front of Mom's perch.Nest is empty.Eagles and other birds are coming and going out there...wind is wild !
9:08a........I took the N Cam back to the empty nest..... I am watching ..
9:38a.9:58a....Many eagles on the flats in front of Mom's perch !......I suspect there is salmon out there ..very windy .......nest is empty !
10am... Eagles are coming and going on the flats .... very windy and picture is moving a lot......i can hear trills in the distance ..... Sorry I have to go ..BBL .I returned the N Cam back to the nest and I am off the NPTZ Cam I will try to watch as much as I can...... the good thing is that the archives are streaming. :)

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:56 am
by IrishEyes
11:43am Checking in .S Cam Darlene found an eagle perched in the trees .I am not sure where though ! IN on the NPZ Cam to take a look . I couldn't find the eagle on the N Cam . there is still snow on the ground out front !
11:53a/Eagle just flew of ..Nest is empty.....Of the NPTZ Cam.....back to chores here.
12:56pm ...1:03pm..I have some time .....I will take a look around on the NPTZ ...... many eagles on the flats are coming and going and feasting on salmon...
1:05pm...S Cam zoomer Darlene...found an eagle perched in the trees left of the lone tree..and one in the trees right of the lone tree.. eagles are flying all over.... wonderful see so many around.. :love:
1:16pm.. Eagles are still active on the flats ......windy!
1:36pm.....There are many eagles on the flats ... amazing ~ :clap:
1:45pm...I brought the N Cam back to the nest and I am of the NPTZ Cam

Videomark Nov.3 Eagles on the Chehalis Flats

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:41 pm
by IrishEyes
3:39pm...On the NPTZ Cam ...if any one wants it please send me an e-mail Thank you
3:42..3:52pm .Windy .Eagles are still out on the flats....Darlene is looking around and so far she didn't find any eagles in the trees....I am zooming on the N Cam .I checked all the H's fav.perches and also the trees and the only eagles I saw were on the flats ....... there must be lots of salmon out there .. :)
3:54pm....Of the NPTZ Cam..... and it is on the nest.. the snow that is in the nest is melting..
5:05pm....Quiet except for the wind ....nest is empty.....

It is getting late here in Nova Scotia ......I am not sure if I will be back here later !

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:19 am
by IrishEyes

Good Morning H Mils and everyone .......
1:59am.Quiet at the empty nest except for the wind ~ I checked the archives on the S Cam from when i signed of last night and I saw where the zoomer ?Darlene was zooming and there were still some eagle on the flats and a few in the trees ... there were no nest visits
Weather for today....Cold ..snowing .. wind form the N with gusts 29km/h and decreasing during the day with rain and snow mix .
6:24am.....On the NPTZ Cam
7:07am...Quiet except for the wind.....snowing
7:20-7:45a....Eagles trilling ..Mom's perch out front is empty .I see one eagle for sure on Mom +Dads perch close to the nest .? Mom..Not sure though ~More trills in the distance.
7:48am Eagle had ps and left at 7:52am
Zoomer on S Cam ?Darlene....Found 3 eagles perched close tog .left of the lone tree .... sorry I missed the rest!

Videomark of ?Mom on Mom + Dads perch

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:54 am
by JudyB
Thanks so much for your reports, Bev - happy to see that you and Darlene are able to do some zooming!

I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that all zoomers and observers are welcome to post here - once you've registered and been approved (which may take a few hours as we're not always online), you can sign in and use the red "Post Reply" button at the bottom left or top left of the page to make your post.

Because there are just a few of us watching at this point, it's fine with me if zoomers just post here when they are using one of the cams - and please do post if you're available to zoom - I know Bev and Darlene are happy to share!

There is also a HM zoomer thread from 2015 that could be used if this gets too confusing - whatever works for all of you is fine with me!

7:45 am
Zoomer has found an eagle! My guess is Mom because he/she looks large and sort of rounded - but the male we've been seeing is also large, so it's hard to tell!
And I apologize for the fact that only admins can add photos at present - I don't have as much space as HWF has for pictures.

And South zoomer just found three eagles perched together near the river, and one flew off, then what looked like a juvie I hadn't seen flew off (I didn't see any white), and two were still there. I didn't get a picture of that - cam was having trouble staying in focus at that distance with the wind.

7:52 am
The adult on the branch just flew off, and I think I saw her(?) fly right to left on the South cam just after she left the branch.

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:06 am
by Darlene
Good morning everyone. I am in on the south cam. I finally found my way here. Here is the video from the other day of a clumsy mating between Ma and new guy! I assume he is young lol!

Clumsy mating

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:13 am
by IrishEyes
Good Morning Judy and you are welcome....I usually do my scheduled zooming time and if I don't see the N Cam moving I will zoom later again .. and thanks for posting the picture of Mom and your observations .... No worries about us not being able to post pictures here .....we all understand your space here is limited .... I can save pictures .....or do a Videomark.....I hope that is OK!
I am happy to share anytime with another zoomer who wants to zoom ! I always sign in here and post when I leave .

ADDED....Good Morning Darlene..Happy to see you here... and thanks for the video :thumbup:

8:19am...Eagles are scattered on the Flats in front of Mom'sperch !

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:15 am
by Darlene
8:13 There is an eagle on a lower branch of Pa's perch by the river

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:37 am
by IrishEyes
Thanks Darlene....and there are eagles scattered on the flats in front of Mom's perch !
8:36am...... N Cam is on the nest..BB soon!
8:58am 9:12am ..I am back now and the eagles are scattered on the flats in front of Mom's perch eating ... quiet except for the wind .I zoomed around and I didn't see an eagle.....I am leaving the N Cam on the flats in front of Mom's perch for while ...that is where the action is......S Cam is on the empty nest !

Re: Harrison Mills Observations

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:04 am
by Darlene
Hi Bev! Lots of eagles on the flats. I hope this is a good indication of what it will be like during the Eagle Festival in a few weeks!

Lots of eagles