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Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:55 am
by IrishEyes
Tuesday, October 4 , 2016.

Good Morning everyone !

Hancock forum is running well this am ~

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:30 am
by IrishEyes
I hear an eagle .I am zooming on the N PTZ Cam..Forum is slow...

I zoomed all over and didn't see a thing..

N Cam is back on the nest with perches showing a bit...

I am off the N PTZ Cam

2:20pm..The Hancock forum is still slow... I zoomed around again.. checking the flats and other areas .. No sighting of eagles at all so far today ..

5:12pm..... Hancock forum is really slow ..I zoomed on the SPTZ cam and saw Adults and Juvies on the flats... :love:

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:41 am
by IrishEyes
Wednesday, October 5 , 2016.

Good Morning everyone !

5:40am... Hancock forum is very slow !

8:30am...Hancock is streaming better now !


10:07am.. Quiet morning on H Mills , other one bird ..(looked like an adult eagle )i saw flying over the flats .... windy though and Hancock Forum cont. to stream well ! Hope it says that way !! :)

1:42pm.. Hancock forum is slow !

2:49pm. Hancock forum is still very slow
4:40pm. No change in forum!
6:13pm..... Hancock cont. to be slow !!
6:54pm. Hancock Forum is streaming better now ..
6:58pm Not for long.. it is back to SLOW!!

Goodnight everyone !!


Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:16 am
by IrishEyes
Thursday, October 6 , 2016.

Good Morning everyone !

2:11am.....Hancock forum is running well !

6:39a.. Hancock forum cont. to run well ! :thumb:

10:37am' Hancock is running wel.I have to go out for a while

12:01pm.I am back....Hancock forum is slow !!

1:07pm... H Forum is working better.. Eagles and Juvies on the CU Flats and on the sandbar in front of the single tree

3pm.. Hancock forum has been very slow for a while

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:07 am
by IrishEyes
Friday, October 7 , 2016.

Good Morning everyone !

1:24am - 6am. Hancock forum is running well !

I am trying to keep track and the forum seems to be run well during the night and until about noon or a bit later.. and then it slows down... maybe because of increase usage ..I don't know... Ken and all are doing their best and hopefully they will resolve the problem soon...

10:16am.... Hancock forum cont. to run well :thumb:

1:03pm.. Hancock forum run well !!

2:03pm... Hancock forum is slow :( It ran well for almost 12 hours..

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:18 pm
by IrishEyes
I can't get on Hancock... Loud trills heard.. I will look at the arena close to the nest on the N PTZ Cam

Saw nothing... I am thinking with the new mic on the S Cam we can hear the eagles on the flats much better...

4:10pm - 6:10pm
Hancock Forum is working better..
Goodnight everyone !

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:16 am
by IrishEyes
Saturday, October 8 , 2016.

The Hancock Forum was running well unto about 10 am nest time...

Seems good now

Hancock forum cont. to run smoothly! '


Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:48 am
by IrishEyes
Friday, October 21 , 2016

Good Morning everyone. The Hancock forum is down.. we have the cams on WE and the Hancock direct access cams are steaming.. I am on the NPTZ Cam

7:39am... Few eagles on the CU Flats ... Trills in the distance.. Mom's perch is empty and so is the lone tree..

8:16am.. I zoomed over the Valley and nothing new to report

Added.. Ken was notified about the forum.

8:27am.....Adult on lone tree, nest is empty.. windy! I saw couple of eagles fling over the river !

8:50am.. Mom's perch is empty..not many eagles on the flats..

9:34am... I zoomed around... Quiet and not a bird of any kind seen... Both cams are on the nest due to the glare of the sun ..

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:44 am
by IrishEyes
9:47am Hancock forum is streaming and Mom and Dad H are on the nest... :clap:

Re: Harrison Mills Observations 2015

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:54 am
by IrishEyes
Monday, October 24 , 2016

Good Morning !
6:30am.. The Hancock website is down.. It was up earlier ..
Judy jkr has sent a message to Ken. The embedded and direct access cams are streaming at H Mils.
7:10am...Trills in the distance.. still dark beyond the nest ! I am on the NPTZ Cam
7:55am..Windy... Mom's perch is empty! The archives are streaming.
8:10am...Can see a few eagles /juvies on the flats ! It is quiet except for the wind !
8:28a...Nest is empty ! No eagles heard !
9:11am.. I checked the lone tree , valley, BSB and no eagles seen...there is however a few more on the CU Flats . No sign of the Honeycombs !